Emotions are pretty much similar across most languages. The way we express them changes from culture to culture. An event that incites anger in one culture gives happiness in another. Culture and society have a lot to play with what we feel and how we express. In this article we will explore different emotion and expression words in KiLiKi.
ludi is emotion and ludini is the verb feel.
Many of us usually confuse ourselves with the meanings of the words ‘emotion’ and ‘expression’. Emotion is what we feel and expression is the way in which we tell what we feel.
lidikaa is expression and the verb ludikaani means to express.
Image 3 lists the words and actions related to Joy. meekeelu-ja is happy. We have seen this word before. meemeeni is the verb smile and meemee is smile as the noun. hahaani is the verb laugh and hahaa is laugh as a noun.
The phonetic reversal of meekeelu by shortening the vowels we get kimilu meaning sadness. kimini is the action of expressing sadness. It is equivlent to having a face with a frown. thaa kimini-ga means she expressed sadness. naaneeeni is cry. We know naa is eye and nee is water, so it is a simple coinage to denote the action of crying. naanee means tear.
We know how to make an adjective from a noun. Simply take the noun form and add a -ja to the end to make it an adjecive. yaelu is excitement and yaelu-ja is adjective exciting. yaeluni is the verb excite.
zaane nim hoofaani, thaa zaane-va reeluni-fu is the sentence for if you come, then he will get angry. Carol Tavris in his ‘Anger – The Misunderstood Emotion’ explains different aspects of anger. It is an interesting read. Do check it out if you want to have a better understanding of anger.
Many nouns and verbs have the same word in English. Sometimes even the adjectivial forms carry the same word. The context of the word plays an important role in understanding the meaning or role of the word. In KiLiKi a word always means one thing. It can never take two different roles. We do not overload any word with multiple roles or meanings in KiLiKi. This makes the language a bit bulky but we save on a lot by avoiding ambiguity.
unoabi chechelu-ja vilichimichi is a disgusting movie
min chechelu-ga is I was disgusted
In this article we’ve explored many new words and how to remember them. If you remember the noun form of the emotion, you can easily recollect the action word and descriptive form of the same word.
Our first KiLiKi kids batch has completed its course and the students are working on their story projects. Thanks to them we have added more than 750 new words to the dictionary. Check out their cute expressions in their comic Avatars below and guess thier emotion in KiLiKi.
You all have a meekeelu-ja venam.