Let us imagine ourselves as the center of the world as we always do. We will look into words related to directions with us in the center.
Image 1 : Direction
too is the word for direction The example in the image is a template for asking for dirction to a place.
Image 2 : Center
eepe is center we have already came across pe as point. The sumbol ee symbolically marks center.
Image 3 : Front, Back, Left and Right
footh and thoof are phonetic reversals meaning front and back respectively.
laar and raal are phonetic reversals of left and right respectively. If you remember one, you can easily remember the other.
Image 4 : North, South, West and East
meekee and keemeee are north and south respectively. naerae and raenae are west and east respectively. Both sets are phonetic reversals of each other. Easy way to remember is mee is up and kee is down. rae is sun and nae is star The directions are named with respect to the sun’s position. Rest of the mid-level directions take first half of both the basic directions.
Image 5 : Up and Down
meek and keem are up and down derived from our root words mee and kee respectively.
Image 6 : North Pole and South Pole
meepe and keepe are north pole and south pole respectively.
Let us use these directions in simple sentences.
yoateni nim-ta laar-tae
turn to your left
yoateni raal
turn right
yoateni thoof
turn back
footh-va hoofaani
come forward
fahoni dood-va
go straight
nim naanaani-fu unoabi rariyu-ja bÁ
you will see a red building
yoateni naepee-ja laar
take next left
nim naq luni
where are you?
min luni dhivuni-de queen sadee-chae
I am walking in queen street
If your freinds are lost, you now know how to give directions to them in KiLiKi. If they get further lost, we take no responsibility 🙂
Emotions are pretty much similar across most languages. The way we express them changes from culture to culture. An event that incites anger in one culture gives happiness in another. Culture and society have a lot to play with what we feel and how we express. In this article we will explore different emotion and expression words in KiLiKi.
Image 1 : Emotion & Feel
ludi is emotion and ludini is the verb feel.
Image 2 : Expression & Express
Many of us usually confuse ourselves with the meanings of the words ‘emotion’ and ‘expression’. Emotion is what we feel and expression is the way in which we tell what we feel.
lidikaa is expression and the verb ludikaani means to express.
Image 3 : Joy, Happy, Smile & laugh
Image 3 lists the words and actions related to Joy. meekeelu-ja is happy. We have seen this word before. meemeeni is the verb smile and meemee is smile as the noun. hahaani is the verb laugh and hahaa is laugh as a noun.
Image 4 : Sadness, Sad & Cry
The phonetic reversal of meekeelu by shortening the vowels we get kimilu meaning sadness. kimini is the action of expressing sadness. It is equivlent to having a face with a frown. thaa kimini-ga means she expressed sadness. naaneeeni is cry. We know naa is eye and nee is water, so it is a simple coinage to denote the action of crying. naanee means tear.
Image 5 : Excitement and exciting
We know how to make an adjective from a noun. Simply take the noun form and add a -ja to the end to make it an adjecive. yaelu is excitement and yaelu-ja is adjective exciting. yaeluni is the verb excite.
Image 6 : Anger, Angry & Get Angry
zaane nim hoofaani, thaa zaane-va reeluni-fu is the sentence for if you come, then he will get angry. Carol Tavris in his ‘Anger – The Misunderstood Emotion’ explains different aspects of anger. It is an interesting read. Do check it out if you want to have a better understanding of anger.
Image 7 : Surprise, Surprise & Surpriced
Many nouns and verbs have the same word in English. Sometimes even the adjectivial forms carry the same word. The context of the word plays an important role in understanding the meaning or role of the word. In KiLiKi a word always means one thing. It can never take two different roles. We do not overload any word with multiple roles or meanings in KiLiKi. This makes the language a bit bulky but we save on a lot by avoiding ambiguity.
Image 8 : Disgust, Disgust & Disgusting
unoabi chechelu-ja vilichimichi is a disgusting movie min chechelu-ga is I was disgusted
In this article we’ve explored many new words and how to remember them. If you remember the noun form of the emotion, you can easily recollect the action word and descriptive form of the same word.
Our first KiLiKi kids batch has completed its course and the students are working on their story projects. Thanks to them we have added more than 750 new words to the dictionary. Check out their cute expressions in their comic Avatars below and guess thier emotion in KiLiKi.
yudi is colour in KiLiKi. KiLiKi has eleven basic colours and five intensifiers to denote the intensity of these colours. These intensifiers can be also used to modify any adjective or adverb in KiLiKi. First, we will explore the eleven basic colours.
Image 1 : White
As colours are used as adjectives, they end with a -ja suffix. When you want to use the colour as a noun meaning whiteness, then you can remove the –ja and use just vayu.
Image 2 : Black
sufi is skin kaaryu-ja sufi is black skin
Image 3: Grey
Jee is metal (we saw in seven elements) Jeeyu-ja is grey or gray.
Image 4 : Red
There are languages which have just two words to differentiate colours. Some have four. In many langauges, green and blue are the same colour. It’s language that shapes our mind to see colours in a certain way.
rariyu-ja is red.
Image 5 : Blue
Vee is aether Veenaa is sky Veeyu-ja is blue
Image 6 : Green
lee is leaf leeyu-ja is green
Image 7 : Yellow
rae is sun raeyu-ja is yellow
Image 8 : Pink
pinyu-ja is pink pinyu-ja sepaa is pink dress
Image 9 : Violet
ziziliyu-ja is violet ziziliyu-ja veenaa is violet sky
Image 10 : Orange
ranjaloochi is orange(fruit) ranjayu-ja is orange(colour)
Image 11 : Brown
yee is wood (one of our seven elements) yeeti is tree yeeyu-ja is brown
These are the eleven basic colours in KiLiKi. Wee can use the intensifiers in the following section to describe the intensity of these colours.
KiLiKi has five level intensifiers. These intensifiers can be added in front of any adverb or adjective to denote the intensity of the description.
Image 12 : Intensifiers
ule – slight dule – mild mole – average chole – super file – extreme
The english translations of these words may not be exact equivalents for the transition from slight to extreme. They are used only to give an idea of how the intensity varies.
We can remember these five intensifiers easily with the first five numbers. unoa, dunoa, movoa, chovoa and fiboa. The first sound of these letters combine with le to form these intensifiers.
We will see how we can use these intensifiers in phrases and sentences.
ule pinyu-ja sepaa is slight pink dress chole deb-ja yeeti issuper small tree file rariyu-ja kazi is extreme red car
We have to note that the intensifier describes only the descriptor and not the object. In the above example extreme is only for red and not for the car.
chole boathoa-ja miyaagari is super fat cat chole thobo-ja miyaagari is super thin cat
We can see how chole can be used to describe both fat and thin.
thaa file seeleeree-va hoofaani-de is she is coming extemely slow.
In the above example an intensifier is used to describe an adverb.
Each of the colours mentioned in this article can be combined with the five intensifiers to get another fifty five shades of colours.
ule veeyu-ja – slight blue (lightest) dule veeyu-ja – mild blue mole veeyu-ja – average blue chole veeyu-ja – super blue file veeyu-ja – extreme blue (darkest)
In this article, we will learn the different parts of the face and the action words associated with them.
Image 1 : Face
Loaki and Meenaa will be our models for this class. foo is the word for face in KiLiKi. thae means head.
Image 2 : Eye
naa is the word for eye. You can seee how naa is used to build two verbs see and look. As we know all verbs in KiLiKi end in ni, naani is look and naanaani is see.
min naanaani thaa-ya is I am seeing her.
Image 3 : Ear
vibi is the word for ear and vibini is the action word hear and vibivibini the action word listen.
min-ta vibi is My ear. min vibini nim-ta maa-ya is I heard your mother. thaavibivibini-de laali-ya is He is listening to a song.
Image 4 : Nose
moa is nose and moani is the action word smell.
nim-ta deb-jamoa is your small nose.
Image 5 : Mouth
As you would have guessed, the most prominant action with that part is given by the verb that is formed using the same word. Mouth may be associated with speech and eating, but eating is the primary activity, right?
Thereby, voag is mouth and voagini is the action word eat.
min maemae-tikae voagini-fu is I will eat in the evening. nim tengini baed-ja voag is You have a big mouth.
Image 6 : Lip
mumu is lip and mumuni is thereby, the action word kiss. Even if you had disagreed with us on the primary funtion of the mouth, you would not disagree with mumuni, right?
min mumuni-ga min-ta maa-ya is I kissed my mother. thaa-ta rariyu-ja mumu*kle is Her red lips.
Image 7 : Tongue
theli is the word for tongue and thelini is the action word taste. We can hear a few of you telling you have better things to do with tongue. We’ll not even argue with you.
Image 8 : Tooth
rik is tooth, rik*kle is teeth and rikini is the action word bite.
veeyu-ja rik is blue tooth. nim-ta bavgari rikini-ga min-ta moovaafaa is your dog bit my boyfriend.
Not just the action words, the senses of most of these parts are also derived from the name of the parts.
sendi is sense naasen is sense of sight moasen is sense of smell vibisen is sense of hearing moasen is sense of smell
One of our learners, Bhaskaran, has penned a lovely song in KiLiKi, on sleep, with the words and grammar he has learn so far. Our first batch of kids from India, Australia and Malaysia have completed two weeks of training and are now able to read and write big words as well as small sentences in KiLIki. Happy to see the language slowly spreading across the world.
More than 500 new words have been added along with definitions and examples in our dictionary.
Keep exploring the language and keep surprising us with your KiLiKi creations.
This article will introduce basic question words (Interrogative words) in KiLiKi.
koovae is the word for the noun question and koovaeni is the verb to question. The phonetic inverse veku is the word for the noun answer and vekuni is the verb to answer or reply.
Question Marker
Wee can use the question marker *kve to almost any word to convert it to a question.
Image 1 : Question Marker
Question Words
ka*kve is the question word for seeking information about something or someone. It is equivalent to interrogative pronoun what in English.
Image 2 : What
fa*kve is question word equivalent to the English interrogative pronoun who, and seeks to know which person.
Image 3 : Who
cha*kve is the word to question the location of something or someone. It is the equivalent to the English interrogative adverb where.
Image 4 : Where
tik*kve is the question word to ask at what time? It is the equivalent of English interrogative adverb when.
Image 5 : When
ha*kve is the question word to ask in what way? or in which manner? It is the equivalent to the English interrogative adverb how
Image 6 : How
na*kve is the question word that asks to specify one, from a set of things. It is the equivalent of the Engish interrogative pronoun which
Image 7 : Which
kari*kve is the question word that asks for reason or purpose of an action. It is the equivalent of the English interrogative adverb why.
Image 8 : Why
fi*kve is the question word to ask for the position of something or someone in an ordered set. It does not have an English equivalent, so the translation in the image below is just a rough translation of how we can say it in English.
Image 9 : [Questioning Position in an ordered set]
The answer to the above question can be unoa-fi (1st), dunoa-fi(2nd), movoa-fi(3rd) or any such number like dun-tam-siboa-fi (26th).
Now you know how to ask questions in KiLiKi. We learn about the worlds outside and inside by asking questions. Keep questioning. We will get our answers one day.
In this article, we will learn 50 words related to nature. If you remember nee as the word for water, you will be able to understand the meaning behind these names.
Image 1 : Sea, River, Lake and other Water Bodies
Image 2 : Land, Stone & Mountain
Image 3 : Rocks and Types of Rocks
Animals, Bacteria, Virus…
Image 4 : Mammal, Bird, Fish, Reptile, Bacteria and Others
Image 5 : Tree, Plant, Forest and more
Life, Birth & Death
Image 6 : Life, Birth & Death
In one of our previous articles, we learnt that neeflafeenam is the word for birthday. We now understand how the word was coined.
Try using these words and form simple sentences. We will introduce more words and grammar in the upcoming articles.
In this article, we will be exploring kiLiki noun and noun cases. Like Latin, Russian, Tamil or Telugu, KiLiKi is an inflecting language, where nouns are modified with case markers. In kiLiki, these cases are appended to a noun’s end with a hyphen mark.
Before getting inside the cases and case markers for nouns, first let us revisit how to add a plural marker to a noun.
Image 1 : Plural Marker
In the example in Image 1, thu means ‘word’ in singular. When the click symbol *kle is added ‘word’ becomes ‘words’. This is a universal rule for all nouns in kiLiki. It does not matter if the noun is abstract like ‘love’ or ‘wisdom’. Any noun can be converted to its plural by adding the symbol *kle.
Let us explore a few kiLiki nouns with plural markers.
Image 2 : Nouns with Plurals
As you can see in Image 2, a few of these words may be grammatically incorrect in other languages. They are perfectly correct formations in kiLiki.
Noun Rule 1 : Use the click *kle as the plural marker. It can be added at the end of any noun to denote it in its plural form. No Exceptions
Noun Inflections
In languages that have very few inflection, such as English, we have prepositions such as in, from, to, and so on that appear before a noun to tell the role of the noun in that sentence. In kiLiki, we have a minimal set of inflections where noun cases are added to the end of the noun to denote the role of the noun in the sentence.
We have nine different types of cases and associated case markers in kiLiki. The following list gives you the noun cases in a nutshell.
Case 1 : Nominative (no marker) bavgari is dog Case 2 : Accusative (-ya) min laakeeni nim-ya is I like you. Case 3 : Genetive (-ta) pamaa-ta linkit is grandmother’s phone. Case 4 : Ablative Separation (-fae) hee-fae is from air. : Ablative Origin (-chafae) delhi-chafae is from Delhi. Case 5 : Instrumental (-jo) japijoo-jo is with knife. Case 6 : Dative To (-chatae) brisbaen-chatae is to Brisbane. : Dative For (-fatae) nim-fatae is for you. Case 7 : Place Locative (-chae) nyuyaark-chae is in NewYork Case 8 : Time Locative (-tikae) maemae-tikae is in the evening. Case 9 :Vocative (-hoa) fen-hoa is Hey friend!
In the following sections, let us look at what each of these cases mean in detail.
Case 1 : Nominative
Nominative nouns do not have any case markers. The nouns appear as they are and denote the subject of a sentence.
yeeti is tree zemil is email saalpupu is salt
As you see in the examples above, the kiLiki words appear as they are without any change.
Case 2 : Accusative ‘-ya’
The subject in a sentence will be denoted by a nominative without adding any case suffix. The object of a sentence on which the action is performed is the accusative. A noun can be made an accusative by adding ‘-ya‘ marker after the noun.
Image 3 : I like you.
In the above example in Image 3, min is the nominative noun without any case marker. laakeeni is the verb ‘like’ and the action is performed on the object nim and to convert nim to its accusative form, we add the accusative market ‘-ya‘ and make it nim-ya
This gives us the flexibility to change the order of these words and not change the meaning.
min laakeeni nim-ya min nim-ya laakeeni nim-ya laakeeni min nim-ya min laakeeni laakeeni min nim-ya laakeeni nim-ya min
All of the above sentences mean ‘I like you’ and are grammatically correct. Where as in English ‘I like you’ and ‘you like I’ are two different sentences and the later is grammatically incorrect.
We have a few additional variations of the accusative case. We will look at those variations later.
Case 3 : Genetive ‘-ta’
When we want to tell that one object belongs to another object, we use a Genetive Possessive Marker ‘-ta‘. This is equivalent to converting the English noun ‘sister’ to its possessive form ‘sister’s’ by adding a ‘s at end of the noun.
jamgari is the Nominal form (camel) jamgari-ta is the Genetive Possessive form (camel’s)
So, jamgari-ta thae means camel’s head
min-ta means my nim-ta means your thaa-ta means his, her or its
Image 4 : My dog is tasting you
In the example in Image 4, we can see how min(I) is converted to its possessive form min-ta(my).
Similar to accusative, we have different variations of the Genetive case which we will explore at a later stage.
Case 4 : Ablative ‘-fae’ & ‘-chafae’
When an object separates from another object, we can denote it with an Ablative Separation Marker ‘-fae‘.
benee is sea benee-fae is (separation) from sea
thaa sheenkaani-de saal-ya benee-fae literally means ‘she/he is making salt from sea‘
The ‘-fae‘ marker is used only in the sense of separating one from the other.
When we want tell that an object originates from another object like ‘The cake is from London’, we use another variation called the Ablative Origin Marker ‘-chafae‘.
So, thaaluniindibaa-chafae means ‘He/She is from India‘
We have a few other such variations of the Ablative for us to explore later.
Case 5 : Instrumental ‘-jo’
When we want to denote that an action is performed with another object(instrument), we can use the Instrumental Means Marker ‘-jo‘.
japijoo is knife japijoo-jo is with knife
Image 5 : She is cutting the fruit with a knife
In the above examples you can see how these markers work together.
Thaa is she (nominative without any case marker) japini-de is cutting (cut with –de the present tense marker) loochi-ya is fruit (accusative with –ya marker) The marker –ya tells us that the fruit is being cut as the accusative marker tells which noun the action is being performed on. japijoo-jo is with knife (Instrumental with –jo marker) The marker -jo tells us that the knife is the instrument used to perform the action.
Case 6 : Dative ‘-chatae’ and ‘-fatae’
When we want to denote that an action by one object is happening to another object we use the Dative Destination Marker ‘-chatae‘.
soamaalibaa is Somalia soamaalibaa-chatae is to Somalia
Image 6 : From India to Russia
We use the Ablative Origin marker ‘-chafae‘ to denote from and Dative Destination Marker ‘-chatae‘ to denote to. You can remember both these markers by knowing that cha is the symbol for location. fae to denote from and tae to denote to.
When we want to denote that an action is performed by an one object for another object, we use the Dative Agent Marker ‘-fatae‘.
nim is you nim-fatae is for you
min sheenkaani-ga dhiki-ya nim-fatae is I made this for you.
It is easy to remember when to use ‘-chatae‘ and when to use ‘-fatae‘. When the object it attaches becomes the destination like ‘I gave it toyou‘ or ‘I came toHyderabad‘ we use ‘-chatae‘.
When the object it attached to is for which the action is done, like ‘We won it for Australia‘ or ‘This world is for us‘ we use ‘-fatae‘.
Case 7 : Place Locative ‘-chae’
When we want to denote where an action is happening we use the Place Locative (in) Marker ‘-chae‘.
landan is London landan-chae is in London
Image 7 : His aunt lives in Chile.
min-ta laa-chae is in my heart papaa-ta naa-chae is in grandfather’s eye
There are different variations of the place locative to say different relative positions like inside(-thoochae), outside(-poochae), above (-meechae), below (-keechae) and a few more.
We will see the complete list later. Just remember that all Place Locatives end in ‘chae‘ sound.
Case 8 : Time Locative ‘-tikae’
When we want to denote when an action is happening to the object, we use the Time Locative (in) Marker ‘-tikae‘.
raerae is morning raerae-tikae is in the morning
Image 8 : Mom’s friend will come in the evening.
Let us breakdown the words and markers in the above sentence.
maa is mother maa-ta is mother’s fen is friend hoofaani is come hoofaani-fu is will come maemae is evening maemae-tikae is in the evening
In the above image try to read and understand what Meenaa is saying to someone in the call and why Loki is giving that expression.
Nope. We are not going to explain that here. Check out the dictionary. Avoid the markers and search for the nouns or verbs in the dictionary to figure out what Meena might be talking.
Case 9 : Vocative ‘-hoa’
When we want to address an object and talk to the object, we use the Vocative Marker ‘-hoa‘. It does not matter if the object has life or not. It can be a person, animal, insect, rock, ocean, wisdom, paper cup, sky, robot, flying cars or anything. We have the licence to talk to almost anything.
yeeti is tree yeeti-hoa is oh tree!
thaan is husband thaan-hoa is oh husband!
siri is apple’s siri siri-hoa is hey siri!
laelae is flower laelae-hoa is hey flower!
fen is friend fen-hoa is hey friend!
Saanaelaalaa! You have now learned the nine noun cases in KiLiKi.
As mentioned in the sections above, most of these cases have minor variations. We will look at them in detail in the upcoming articles.
Try using these phrases and build simple sentences. We will look at sentence structures and word ordering soon.
There are seven elements documented in KiLiKi. veneli is the word for element. Many words in kiLiki are derived from these words. Let us visit Saaraa’s garden. She will help us learn the seven elements.
The symbol for y in kiLiki looks like a tree. ‘yee‘ is the word for the element wood. yeeti, the word for tree and yeetikidiki, the word for forest were coined from the root ‘yee‘.
Similarly, other elements have been derived from other such symbols and are used as the root for many other words in the kiLiki language.
There are two simple rules we need to remember with respect to nithu(verb).
Verb Rule 1 : All verbs in kiliki end in ‘ni’. No exceptions.
Image 1 : Speak & Tell
baahaani is to ‘speak‘ and baahooni is to ‘tell‘. Similarly all KiLiKi verbs will end in ‘ni’ sound.
Verb Rule 2 : Past is ‘-ga‘, Present is ‘-de‘ & Future is ‘-fu‘ No Exceptions.
When we want to express the verb with tense such as past, present or future, we simply add a ‘-ga‘, ‘-de‘ or ‘-fu‘ tense marker at end of the verb with a hyphen.
Image 2 : Sing & Dance
Let us see how wee can use the simple verbs laalini and doalini in simple kiLiki sentences.
In the above image, Saaraa is telling ‘I will sing ‘iskiskifaa‘ foryou‘. See how she uses the verb laalini (to sing) with the future tense marker ‘-fu‘ to convert it to ‘will sing‘
‘I am dancing‘ she says. Watch her use ‘doaleeni‘ (to dance) with present tense marker ‘-de‘ to change it to ‘am dancing‘. You do not have to use the verb luni(is/am/are) when another verb is present in the sentence. In other words, verb luni can be used only in verbless sentences such as ‘min idi luni saaraa‘ or ‘min luni saaraa‘.
Image 3 : Come & Go
hoofaani is tocome. hoofaani-de is coming. hoofaani-ga is came. hoofaani-fu is will come.
So ‘I will come tomorrow‘ will be ‘min funam-va hoofaani-fu‘. Here ‘funam-va‘ is the adverb ‘tomorrow‘. It is a good practice to place the adverb before the verb.
fahuni is to go. fahuni-de is going. fahuni-ga is went. fahuni-fu is will go.
If you want to tell ‘She went to Japan in May‘ in kiLiki, the sentence will be ‘thaa fahuni-ga japabaa-chatae fiboamoa-chae‘.
Let us break down the above sentence for you to understand the structure better.
thaa is she/he fahuni-ga is went japabaa-chatae is to Japan fiboamoa-chae is in May(fiboa is five & moa is month)
Also note that fuhani is shortened phonetic reversal of hoofaani. We use such shortened phonetic reversal to denote an opposite action when one exists. We will look into a few other such pairs.
Image 4 : Love & Hate
Remember ‘I love you‘ is ‘min moovaani nim-ya‘ and note that there are no tense markers after moovaani as you need not mention ‘I loved you‘ or ‘I will love you‘, but you have the complete freedom to love in past and future. The ‘-ya‘ marker after nim is an accusative marker which we will look into in detail in another article.
Image 5 : Open & Close
Many words in KiLiKi originate from the shape of the letters. You can see in Image 5, goobini which means to open, has a closed box as first symbol and it is opened in the next. Similarly in buguni, an open box symbol in the first combo is closed in the second combo.
Also note that buguni is shortened phonetic reversal of goobuni. In most cases words with positive connotations will have the long vowels and with not-so-positive connotations will have short vowels. An easy tip for you to remember.
Image 6 : Begin & EndImage 7 : Upload & DownloadImage 8 : Sleep & Wake
Looks like Saaraa is sleep-talking. She is telling ‘I am sleeping‘. Let us tell her ‘vaasoanaenae‘.
At the time of writing this article, we have only around 200 verbs in our dictionary. We will be adding more verbs in the following months. Until a verb becomes available, feel free to use the verb in your favourite language along with the kiLiki tense markers.
Before getting into KiLiKi grammar, let us look at a few basic grammar terminologies in KiLiKi. By this time, you must be familiar with the KiLiKi alphabet. Now we will learn how to say ‘letter‘, ‘vowel‘, ‘consonant‘ or ‘combo‘ in KiLiKi.
Figure 1 : Letter, Vowel, Consonant & Combo
As we can see ‘bi’ as in the English word ‘bi‘ is the word for ‘letter‘. A ‘bi‘ can be ‘abi‘(vowel) or ‘babi‘(babi). You can place an ‘abi‘ on top of a ‘babi‘ to create an ‘ababi‘(combo). ‘bibit‘ is the word for ‘alphabet‘
Figure 2 : Word, Sentence, Click & Language
‘thu‘ is the KiLiKi word for ‘word‘. So ‘sentence‘ becomes ‘thuthu‘. ‘kiLik‘ is the word for ‘click‘. Now you know how kiLiKileelaa got its name. Yes. ‘leelaa‘ is the word for language.
‘inglish leelaa‘ – English. ‘french leelaa‘ – French. ‘thelugu leelaa‘ – Telugu. ‘hindhi leelaa‘ – Hindi ‘thamiL leelaa‘ – Tamil
Note that the names of the languages are converted phonetically, with the nearest matching sounds in KiLiKi, in the way they are pronounced. If you have a doubt on how to convert a name phonetically in KiLiKi, please visit our earlier blog article.
Figure 3 : Noun, Verb, Adjective & Adverb
‘ka‘ is the sound that represents objects. ‘kathu‘ is ‘ka‘(object) + ‘thu‘(word). ‘kathu‘ means ‘noun‘ in KiLiKi. All action words in KiLiKi end in ‘ni‘. ‘nithu‘ is the word for ‘verbs‘.
All adjectives in KiLiKi end in ‘-ja‘. ‘jathu‘ is the word for ‘adjective‘. Similarly all adverbs end with ‘-va‘ and ‘vathu‘ is the word for ‘adverb‘.
We have seen that ‘thaa‘ is the word to refer to ‘he/she‘ or any living thing. ‘thaakathu‘ is the word for pronoun. ‘ne‘ is the word for the most frequently used conjunction ‘and‘ and ‘nethu‘ means ‘conjunction‘.
English has prepositions such as ‘in‘ or ‘to‘ that comes usually before a noun. In KiLiKi prepositions are called ‘finkathu‘. ‘fin‘ means ‘end‘. Unlike English leelaa, in KiLiKi ‘finkathu‘ comes at end of a noun with a hyphen marker to separate it from the noun. We will look into ‘finkathu‘ in detail in our upcoming articles.
Did you know words such as ‘hello‘, ‘bye‘, ‘yes‘, ‘no‘ or ‘oops‘ are interjections(exclamations) in English grammar? ‘yaathu‘ is the word for interjection in KiLiKi.
‘findaat‘ is the word for fullstop and ‘shùdaat‘ is the word for comma.
This is the end of our short grammar basic terminologies lesson. We will be looking at each of these terms in detail in the upcoming sessions.
nim rilis-va vaaneeni-de kiLiki leelaa. saanElaalaa!